In the ever-evolving landscape of luxury and fashion, Veronique V Rooyen stands as a beacon of sophistication, seamlessly blending tradition with a modern flair that captivates the senses.

As the founder and creative force behind the eponymous Veronique V Rooyen brand, she has not only carved a niche for herself in the competitive world of high-end fashion but has also become a trendsetter, inspiring a new generation of fashion enthusiasts.

Her Instagram, a visual chronicle of her life on and off the runway, showcases Veronique’s transformation into a fashion icon. A cascade of images and videos captures Veronique draped in couture, each frame telling a story of poise and confidence, embodying the epitome of runway radiance.

Veronique’s versatility from a sultry bikini to a celestial gown that seems to mirror the ethereal beauty she exudes. The intricate details of the dress mirror her own journey, where every step is adorned with grace and every twirl paints a picture of timeless allure. Veronique’s foray into the fashion world as a model has not only garnered attention from fashion enthusiasts but has also caught the eye of renowned photographers and designers. The collaborations she shares on her social media depict her as more than just a model; she is a muse, an embodiment of the very essence of haute couture.

As we unravel the chapters of Veronique’s life, her presence at high-profile events and red carpets is a testament to her growing influence in the fashion industry. The images captured at these events are not merely photographs; they are canvases that immortalize Veronique as a living work of art.

Glam/Amour sits down with this inspirational lady for a closer look into her fabulous life.

GA Team: Veronique, we noticed that you live in South Africa. Are you originally from there?

Veronique: I am originally from Madeira; my dad’s family is based there. My mom is a South African and I was born in Madeira; but moved back to South Africa at the age of 3 years.

GA Team: That’s nice. So what inspired you to enter into the world of Fashion? Was there something specific that intrigued you about that world?

Veronique: I love modeling; as my mom was a model as well! The beauty she had came straight to me! I enjoy fashion, seeing what designers can do through clothes and jewelry, it’s a passion walking with art.

GA Team: Ohmigoodness! Your mom was a model too! That’s such a brilliant legacy to be a part of! Did you study Fashion growing up or did it just come naturally to you?

Veronique: I wish I did study fashion, but I didn’t. I mainly focused in the business aspect of life like starting my own business. Modeling was a side hobby but I’m starting to love and enjoy it so much, it’s like doing it because I can and I want.

GA Team: They say there is nothing more satisfying than following ones passion and turning that into a life choice or career. With all your experience in the different Fashion Week events (Paris / Milan / London), which was your favourite experience? And why?

Veronique: I would definitely say Milan fashion! Wow!! Italy is just where fashion and everything was born, the designers are incredible the people are professional, but extremely nice. I love their culture – it’s just like a family.

GA Team: Considering the misconceptions about the Fashion industry and that it is very a hard core and desensitized arena it is very refreshing to hear first hand how far from the truth that is. And to compare it to being a part of a family is really awe-inspiring. Just goes to show that ‘When you love something and love doing it, it can never be considered as work!’

Now we see from your profile on social media that you also have experience in Real Estate. Is this with Team Elevate – RE/MAX Infoglobe Centurion?

Veronique: I do .. yes! Real estate is my passion. I love working with people selling them a home where they can build memories. I started with Remax Infogloble and it’s an amazing strong company with very powerful people; but decided to go to Seeff; as they did offer me a family, not just a work space.

GA Team: Oh wow … another family unit! You truly are blessed to have found the perfect connections … But, how do you adapt between Fashion & Real Estate?

Veronique: It’s very much the same. There is Fashion in Real Estate as well, in the interior design of homes. Getting to see peoples designs, working with people, you can adapt quite nicely; if you know the game.

GA Team: That’s true. Fashion or beauty does lie in the eye of the beholder. And Real Estate does have that allure to luxury and style when you look at it from an interior design or architectural perspective, and not just a building.

Coming back to the Runways of Fashion, we noticed a lot of buzz on the recent World Fashion Week in Dubai! And the reviews are really very impressive, we would love to share them with our readers.

Veronique: Yes Sure! You could share the links from my social media for more details.

CLICK HERE – for detailed review from Happening News SA

GA Team: Thank you so much for your time, Veronique. Before we close, what should we expect from you for the future?

Veronique: Follow my page and stay tuned! There is lots more to come.

GA Team: Thank you Veronique! Our readers can follow you on Instagram @verry_unique. And there you have it … Veronique V Rooyen and her special brand of fabulousness.

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